
Objects and packages reference, endpoint descriptions, and links.


Sui is known to be an object-centric blockchain. Everything is an object on Sui: coins, NFTs, staking amounts, domain names, etc.

Objects are created and updated by packages (Move structs containing executable code - equivalents to smart contracts on Sui). Typed data is governed by a particular Sui Move module from a Sui Move package. Each object value is a struct with fields containing primitive types (such as integers and addresses), other objects, and non-object structs stored in the Sui storage.

We track all objects owned by accounts or created (updated) as a result of running transactions.

For more information on the Sui object model, read these articles: Object Model, Sui Advantages.

The following endpoints are available for objects on Blockberry.

getObjectMetadataGet the metadata (type, name, image, project name and image, etc.) of the queried object.
getObjectTransactionsByHashGet a list of all transaction blocks run with an object by hash.
getEntitesCountByTypeGet the total number of entities of the queried type.


Any account on Sui can publish a package (smart contract) to execute the required functionality. Packages consist of modules that execute functions - parts of a more general business logic. Like any other object on Sui, a package has a version field. Anytime a change is made to a package, it is incremented by 1.

You can view data about packages, modules, and functions on Suiscan.

The following endpoints are available for objects on Blockberry.

getPackagesGet a list of all packages on the Sui Network. Packages are smart contracts on Sui that execute custom logic.
getPackagesCountGet the total number of all packages on the Sui Network.
getPackageByIdGet package details by id.