
Account, validator, and snarker reference, endpoint descriptions, and links.


Mina is an account-centric blockchain meaning that an account is the entity that is stored in one of four Mina ledgers: the Snarked Ledger, the Next Epoch Ledger, the Staking Ledger, and the Staged Ledger, and whatever happens on-chain, is an account update. An account on Mina has a public key by which it is found on-chain and a private key used to sign transactions. It takes 1 Mina to open an account on Mina.

Minascan shows a list of all accounts on the Mina blockchain.

The following endpoints are available for Mina accounts on Blockberry.

getAccountsGet a list of all accounts on the Mina Blockchain.
getAccountByHashGet account details by account hash.
getAccountBalanceGet the balance of Mina coins that the queried account holds.
getAccountTransactionsGet a list of all transactions in which the queried account was engaged as either a sender or a receiver.
getAccountTimingInfoGet info about account balance status: coin denoms, coin lock status, etc.


Validators are accounts that process and validate transactions with a signature, thus supporting network consistency. Anyone can become a validator by staking Mina funds to themselves. Validators are incentivized to be part of the Mina security layer by receiving regular epochs - once per epoch (almost 14 days and 21 hours).

Minascan shows a list of all validators on the Mina blockchain. You can also see the staking terms each validator offers.

The following endpoints are available for Mina validators on Blockberry.

getTopValidatorsGet a list of transactions recently run on the Mina Blockchain.
getValidatorsGet a list of all validators on the Mina Blockchain.
getAccountDelegateeGet the validator to which the queried account delegated its Mina funds.
isValidatorExistCheck if the queried account is a validator. We index validators as accounts that have produced at least 1 block over their lifetime or have registered with our name service.
getValidatorByAddressGet the queried validator by address.


Snarkers are accounts that produce zk-proofs on Mina for validators to validate transactions.

Minascan shows a list of all snarkers on the Mina blockchain.

The following endpoints are available for Mina snarkers on Blockberry.

isSnarkerExistCheck if the queried account is a snarker.