NFTs, collections, NFT events, and marketplaces (kiosks) reference, endpoint descriptions, and links.

NFTs on Sui

NFTs - equivalents to ERC-721 tokens on Sui - are non-fungible tokens, i.e., tokens with unique attributes. Unlike a fungible token or coin, an NFT is a unique token whose price is defined by market conditions.

Sui uses two standards for NFTs: OriginByte and Kiosk. The latter is preferable for minting, managing, and selling NFTs. Kiosk is a decentralized system for commerce applications on Sui. It consists of kiosks—shared objects owned by individual parties that store assets and allow listing them for sale.

View Sui NFTs , Collections, Domains, and Marketplaces on Suiscan.

We have accumulated a lot of on-chain and off-chain data about NFTs, Collections, and NFT marketplaces.


The following endpoints are available for NFTs on Blockberry.

getDomainNftsGet all NFTs created via Sui name service providers.
getDomainNftsByOwnerGet all domain NFTs, i.e. NFTs created through a Sui name service provider, owned by the queried account.
getNftsGet a list of all NFTs on the Sui Network.
getNftsCountGet the total number of NFTs on the Sui Network.
getNftsByWalletGet a list of all NFTs that an account has on its wallet.
getNftByHashGet an NFT by hash.


A collection is a group of NFTs sharing the same set of attributes. Each particular NFT in a collection is defined by concrete values of these attributes. An account can own an NFT but can't own a collection, but several accounts can own NFTs of the same collection.

The following endpoints are available for collections on Blockberry.

getCollectionsGet a list of all NFT collections on the Sui Network.
getCollectionByTypeGet a collection by type.
getCollectionNftsGet a list of all NFTs of the queried collection.
getTopCollectionsGet a chart showing top 5 collections sorted by the volume of trades of its NFTs.


Marketplaces are kiosks - infrastructure for storing, selling and managing digital assets, particularly NFTs.

The following endpoints are available for Marketplaces on Blockberry.

getMarketplacesGet a list of marketplaces where Sui NFTs are traded.
getTopMarketplacesTop 5 Marketplaces listed by trade volume.

NFT Events

Events are the results of running transactions.

The following event endpoints are available for Marketplaces on Blockberry.

getEventsGet a list of all events emitted in association with any NFT. Events are results of transaction execution.
getCollectionEventsGet a list of emitted events associated with collections. Events are results of executed transactions.
getNftEventsGet a list of emitted events associated with the queried NFT. Events are results of transaction execution.