
Account and validator reference, endpoint descriptions, and links.

An account on Iota is not an object itself but an entity that can own objects: coins, NFTs, domain names, etc.

Iotascan shows a list of all accounts on the Iota Network.

The following endpoints are available for accounts on Blockberry.

getAccountsGet a list of all accounts on the Iota Network.
getAccountStatsGet key statistics of the queried account: balance in Iota, the total number of owned coin denominations, NFTs, collections, and unclassified objects.
getAccountsCountGet the total number of accounts on the Iota Network.
getAccountByHashGet account details by address hash.
getAccountActivityGet all transactions in which the queried account was involved either as a sender or a receiver.
getAccountBalanceGet the balances of all coin denominations that the queried account holds in their native denominations and in USD.
getAccountObjectGet a list of all objects owned by the queried account.
getAccountTransactionsGet a list of all transaction blocks run by the queried account.

Validators are accounts that process transactions. The following endpoints are available for validators on Blockberry.

getValidatorsGet a list of all validators on the Iota Network.
getValidatorsCommissionGet a chart showing the commission rate the queried validator charges from its delegators for staking services.
getValidatorsByAddressesGet details of multiple validators' addresses.
getValidatorsStakeGet a chart showing the stake amount the queried validator has.
getValidatorByAddressGet validator details by address.
getDelegationsByValidatorGet a list of all delegations made to the queried validator.
getDelegatorsByValidatorGet a list of all accounts that delegated Iota funds to the queried validator.
isValidatorExistCheck if the queried account is a validator.