Time Locks

Locked accounts reference, endpoints, and links.

At Genesis, part of Mina's funds were locked to ensure blockchain stability, and they gradually unlocked. One day they will totally unlock. Locked funds cannot be transferred in Payment transactions. However, they can be delegated.

There are 2 unlock mechanisms that Mina employs: cliff and vesting. Cliff unlock means that all or part of the locked funds unlock at a definite time. With vesting, the locked amount gets gradually released according to a pre-set schedule.

Suiscan shows account unlocks and accounts with locked funds on the Mina blockchain.

The following endpoints are available for accounts on Blockberry.

getTimeLocksAllGet time locks for all period.
getTimeLocksDayGet data about time locks by day.
getTimeLocksMonthGet data about time locks by month.
getTimeLocksYearGet data about time locks by year.