NFTs and collections reference, endpoint descriptions, and links.

NFTs - equivalents to ERC-721 tokens on Iota - are non-fungible tokens, i.e., tokens with unique attributes. Unlike a fungible token or coin, an NFT is a unique token whose price is defined by market conditions. Collections are NFTs that share the same set of attributes

View Iota NFTs and collections on Iotascan.

We have accumulated a lot of on-chain and off-chain data about NFTs and collections.


The following endpoints are available for NFTs on Blockberry.

getNftsGet a list of all NFTs on the Iota Network.
getNftsCountGet the total number of NFTs on the Iota Network.
getNftsByWalletGet a list of all NFTs that an account has on its wallet.


The following endpoints are available for collections on Blockberry.

getCollectionsGet a list of all NFT collections on the Iota Network.
getCollectionByTypeGet a collection by type.
getCollectionNftsGet a list of all NFTs of the queried collection.