Sui Metadata API

See what metadata we show about different entities in Sui Blockberry API.

Blockberry API offers extended access to the metadata of Sui's major entities (accounts, validators, coins, NFTs, objects, etc.) as part of the Metahub concept. Metadata includes data providing an extensive description of blockchain entities. We constantly track, enrich, and update this data to cater to your needs about the following entities:

EntityOff-chain metadata
Accountaccount label
Validator- social contracts,
- website,
- social contacts,
- linked project,
- name (off-chain substitution),
- image (off-chain substitution),
- verification status,
- "Verified Staking Provider Program" status.
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Project- name,
- dApp/non-dApp property,
- activity status,
- short description,
- full description,
- image,
- big image,
- promo image slider,
- files/artifacts,
- category tags,
- related packages,
- related coins,
- website,
- whitepaper,
- GitHub,
- socials and more.
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Package- related project,
- contract name.
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Package Source Code Verificationsource code verification status
Coin- coin name (off-chain substitution),
- coin image (off-chain substitution),
- related project,
- Coingecko ID,
- Coinmarketcap ID,
- verification status.
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Objectobject label
Domain- SuiNS domain names,
- sub names,
- linked domains.
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Liquidity Pool- name,
- symbol,
- description.
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Category Tagtag name
Scam Tag- scam status,
- type,
- security message.
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Here, you can submit data on Suiscan