
Governance endpoint reference, description, and links.

Mina enables consensus decision-making by offering governance of the blockchain. Everyone can draw a MIP - Mina Improvement Proposal - and if it passes all the preparation stages and voting, it is then implemented on-chain. Every user can participate in governance by voting.

Minascan shows a list of MIPs and votes on the Mina blockchain.

The following endpoints are available for accounts on Blockberry.

getMipsGet a list of all registered MIPs (Mina Improvement Proposals).
getVotesGet a list of all votes in all registered MIPs (Mina Improvement Proposals).
getMipByIdGet the queried MIP (Mina Improvement Proposal) by ID.
getVotesByMipGet a list of votes of the queried MIP (Mina Improvement Proposals).