
Get details of a transaction block like project name, Url link, symbol, pool coin details, etc.

We provide the following metadata for this endpoint:

PackageobjectTypeThe type of the object associated with the queried transaction.
idThe ID of an object associated with the queried transaction.
imgUrlA link to the image of the project for which the project was published by which an object associated with the queried transaction was created.
symbolThe symbol of the project for which the package was published by which an object associated with the queried transaction was created.
ProjectprojectNameThe name of the project for which the package is published by which the queried transaction ran.
projectImgA link to the image of the project for which the package is published by which the queried transaction ran.
isIndexedA flag showing that we collect data about the queried transaction.
securityMessageA message warning the user that scam objects are involved in the queried transaction.
Pool CoincoinTypeThe type of coin provided in the following format: NxN::{coin name}::{COIN NAME}.
coinNameThe name of the coin denomination used in an inscription.
imgUrlA link to the image of a coin denomination used in an inscription.
coinSymbolThe symbol of a coin denomination used in an inscription.
securityMessageA message warning the user that a coin used in an inscription is a scam coin.
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