
Get all NFTs created via Sui name service providers.


This is the Pro endpoint, currently available for free as part of the API campaign.

We provide the following metadata for this endpoint:

ObjectobjectTypeThe type of object.
typeThe ID of a domain NFT object.
objectUrlA link to the image of a domain NFT object.
securityMessageA message warning the user that a domain NFT object is a scam NFT.
OwnerownerAddressThe address hash of the account that owns a domain NFT.
ownerNameThe name of the account that owns a domain NFT owner.
ownerImgA link to the image of the account that owns a domain NFT owner.
ownerSecurityMessageA message warning the user that the account that owns a domain NFT is involved in scam activity.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!