
Blockberry verification services guidelines.

🔒 Data Integrity First: At Blockberry, we take data verification seriously. Our robust platform ensures that every piece of information is meticulously validated so that you can build with confidence. 🛡️

Validator Verifications

Verified Validator

From the very start of the Mina network until now, we have been the only service that registers and verifies the public information of validators in the blockchain.

Verification TypeMeaningTarget Chains
Verified ValidatorValidator data is submitted and approved by Blockberry servicesMina

VSP - Verified Staking Provider Program

Verification TypeMeaningTarget Chains
VSPThis validator joined the "Verified Staking Provider Program."Mina, Sui

Token Verifications

Verified Token

Verification TypeMeaningTarget Chains
Verified TokenThis token was approved as the official one and not a scamMina, Sui

Contract Source Code Verifications

Smart Contract Source Code Verification on Sui

Verification TypeMeaningVerification ProviderTarget Chains
Package Source Code VerifiedThe source code provided corresponds to the on-chain bytecode of the package (including all the modules involved)Welldone Code by DSRVSui

You should submit it by clicking the button on the required package page to get verified.

Get verified
Verified Packages (click the "verified packages" switcher)
Example of verified packageExample
Welldone Studio: Getting Started
Welldone Studio: Deploy and Run

zk Contract Source Code Verification on Mina

Verification TypeMeaningVerification ProviderTarget Chains
zkContract Source Code VerifiedThe source code provided by the developer was independently compiled, and the verification key received as the result of the compilation is identical to the verification key in the account state as of the verification date.zkCloudWorkerMina

Contract Audit Statuses [soon]


SCAM Detection

Sui Security API

Mina Security API: soon

Mina Account Scam Database

Activity Statuses

Validator Activity Status


Project Activity Status