Mina Governance
Governance mechanism on the Mina blockchain and how to monitor it on Minascan.
Governance is an instrument many blockchains use to implement decentralized decision-making, so everyone has a say.
Addresses on Mina can participate in governance by submitting a proposal (MIP) to change how the blockchain operates or by voting for or against an MIP.
Governance on Mina is broken down into the MIP and the Voting processes. Before voting, an MIP has to undergo a lengthy procedure. The MIP process includes the following stages: idea, draft, review, last call, and finalization. The Voting process stages are the voting period and vote tallying.
Idea - any member of a blockchain community with a valuable idea can submit an MIP that, if passed, brings about changes in the blockchain operation. At this stage, raising and encouraging discussion is critical, as well as collecting feedback from the community and experts, getting valuable insights, and making all the necessary corrections before submitting a draft.
Draft - a proposer drafts and submits an MIP.
Review - the MIP draft gets a critical review and is exposed to public scrutiny by the community, experts, and dev. team and the Advisory Group. A consensus has to be met for the MIP to pass to the next stage. If this stage takes too long, the MIP becomes inactive. A proposer may withdraw its MIP and stop the governance process at a time.
Last Call - the Development Team and the Mina Community review the MIP for finalization. If the MIP passes the review, it is ready for finalization.
Finalization - The development Team incorporates the MIP in the release planning process, the MIP is released, and the voting period is set. After this stage, the MIP is ready for voting.
Voting Period addresses voting for or against the MIP.
Vote Tallying - the votes are counted, and the voting is finalized. The MIP is either passed or rejected.

Throughout the governance process, MIP takes one of these off- and on-chain statuses:
Draft - a MIP is at the Draft stage;
Review - a MIP is at the Review stage;
Inactive - a MIP holds on too long at the review stage, and it becomes inactive;
Withdrawn - a proposer withdraws a MIP;
Last Call - a MIP is at the Last Call stage;
Finalization - a MIP is at the Finalization stage;
Voting Period - a MIP is being voted on, and votes are being tallied;
Tallying - votes on a MIP are being counted;
Passed - a MIP gets >50% of Yes votes voting power;
Rejected - a MIP gets >50% of No votes, or the total voting power of all Yes and No votes is 0.
Minascan monitors all MIPs on Mina.

We show how accounts voted on MIPs.

We reveal MIP details we find and index off-chain: description, proposers, voting results, official links, voting details, etc.

If you want to become a proposer yourself and register an MIP, you can do it by clicking the Submit Proposal button.

We’re launching an MIP analytical dashboard to aggregate and visualize more governance statistics.
Updated 10 months ago